Fjällräven is a brand synonymous with high-quality, durable outdoor gear. Loved by adventurers and urbanites alike, the brand's mission is to inspire and enable people to explore nature comfortably and sustainably.
At home.
Out here.
Print. TVC. Social.
Ah, the great outdoors! Being in nature can have wonderful effects on our mind, body and soul. The world outside is big and beautiful - but it’s also unknown.
Whether a beginner at outdoor activities or a thrill-seeking adventure junkie, it’s common knowledge that while being outdoors is great, it can also be unpredictable and daunting.
What’s the best way to tackle this?
By being prepared. Fjällraven’s range of clothing, equipment and accessories ensure that you are well-equipped to take on the great outdoors, making you feel completely at home in nature.
The Insight.
From unpredictable weather to the uncertainty of new trails or remote landscapes, the outdoors tests us. Yet, amidst these challenges, there’s a universal truth: the right gear can transform how we experience nature.
Fjällräven users aren’t just outdoor enthusiasts—they are adventurers seeking to push boundaries, to feel at one with nature. Whether it’s a jacket that feels like a warm embrace in biting cold or a backpack that holds all the essentials to brave the unknown, Fjällräven doesn’t just provide utility—it provides emotional security.
In the German market, where a strong affinity for the outdoors already exists, this insight taps into a nuanced truth: people don’t just want to survive in nature—they want to thrive, finding joy, comfort, and a sense of belonging in the wilderness.
The Idea.
With Fjällraven, you feel completely at home in the great outdoors.
Campaign Thought.
At home. Out here.
Featuring the entire range from Fjällraven - clothing for men, women and children + bags and backpacks + tents and equipment.
Telling the story.
Translate the feeling of being 'at home’ in the outdoors.
How do we achieve this?
Juxtaposing mundane activities that you do generally at home...
...but with Fjällraven, you can now feel completely at home doing these activities in the midst of nature.
Print ads.
Print ads that capture folks happily enjoying at-home comforts or doing homely activities while being outdoors, using Fjällraven products - from clothing to bags and equipment and accessories.
The photos look like they have been captured by friends or family on a camera with a home-made, nostalgic quality.
For example, making coffee and pancakes on Sunday mornings
Bath time?
... or enjoying a good book and maybe a well-earned nap
and most of all, quality-time with the ones you love.
TVC Script 1.
A sleepy WOMAN (30) brushes her teeth. She wears a Fjällraven puffer. It’s an extremely tight shot, so we see only her face. She bends out of frame to spit, and when she pops back up, she cracks a big smile.
MUSIC starts (perhaps a cult classic, with hopeful and happy notes. Example: Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac). Just as we start to zoom out slowly, revealing more of her surroundings...
.... she and her dog are outside her van, which is parked right by some majestic looking mountains. As we float further and further away we see her finish her daily activities of brushing her teeth and washing her face, all while we take in the beauty of the outdoors.
By now she, her dog and van are all but tiny specs in the vast wilderness.
V.O./ Copy over screen
At home. Out here.
TVC Script 2.
DAD (40s) reads a bedtime story out to his DAUGHTER (6), both in Fjallraven clothing. It’s an extremely tight shot, so we see only their faces cuddled together.
... and the mermaid longed to see
the world above. What was out there?
MUSIC starts (perhaps a cult classic, with hopeful and happy notes. Example: Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac). Just as we start to zoom out slowly, revealing more of their surroundings...
.... they are cuddled together in a tent under a vast, starry night sky. As we float further and further away, Dad and daughter fall asleep, all while we take in the beauty of the outdoors.
By now they are both but tiny specs with the expansive sky looming over them.
V.O./ Copy over screen
At home. Out here.
Trends and pop culture.
Collaborations with Tiktok and Instagram influencers for short form videos using or styling Fjällraven products. Target authentic influencers who have built a community that enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, camping etc. or those who document their van life online to vlog their days and how they use Fjällraven products.
Strategy // Why this works.
Fjällräven appeals to adventure enthusiasts and environmentally-conscious consumers.
Germany has a strong tradition of hiking, camping, and exploring nature, making it one of Europe’s top markets for outdoor brands.
Berliners, in particular, seek a balance between urban life and outdoor getaways. They resonate with casual, relatable, and authentic communication that avoids overt corporate polish.
Cities like Munich, Hamburg, and Stuttgart rank higher in wealth, but Berlin offers a younger, trendier demographic that values sustainability and outdoor adventures despite slightly lower incomes.
Emphasis on personal storytelling often outperforms purely product-focused messaging.